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Visit the Minecraft Wiki for basic information about Block of Quartz

Block of Quartz is a block added by vanilla Minecraft.


Crafting GUI

Nether Quartz

Nether Quartz

Nether Quartz

Nether Quartz

Block of Quartz

Vanilla Blocks
Natural Air AirBedrock BedrockClay (Block) ClayCobblestone Cobblestone (File:Moss Stone.png Moss) •File:Cobweb.png CobwebDirt DirtFile:End Portal.png End PortalFire FireFile:Grass Block.png Grass Block (File:Mycelium.png Mycelium) • File:Gravel.png GravelIce IceFile:Monster Egg.png Monster EggFile:Monster Spawner.png Monster SpawnerFile:Sand.png SandFile:Sandstone.png Sandstone (File:Smooth Sandstone.png SmoothFile:Chiseled Sandstone.png Chiseled) • Obsidian ObsidianFile:Snow.png SnowStone StoneFile:Stone Bricks.png Stone Bricks (File:Cracked Stone Bricks.png CrackedFile:Mossy Stone Bricks.png MossyFile:Chiseled Stone Bricks.png Chiseled)
Manufactured File:Bookshelf.png BookshelfFile:Bricks.png BricksFile:Cobblestone Wall.png Cobblestone Wall (File:Mossy Cobblestone Wall.png Mossy) • File:Fence.png FenceFlower Pot Flower PotGlass Glass (Glass Pane Pane) • File:Iron Bars.png Iron BarsFile:Jack o'Lantern.png Jack o'LanternLadder LadderFile:Slabs.png SlabsFile:Snow.png SnowFile:Stairs.png StairsFile:Wood Planks.png Wood PlanksWool Wool
Ore File:Coal Ore.png Coal OreFile:Diamond Ore.png Diamond OreFile:Emerald Ore.png Emerald OreFile:Gold Ore.png Gold OreFile:Iron Ore.png Iron OreFile:Lapis Lazuli Ore.png Lapis Lazuli OreFile:Nether Quartz Ore.png Nether Quartz OreFile:Redstone Ore.png Redstone Ore
Mineral blocks File:Block of Diamond.png Block of DiamondFile:Block of Emerald.png Block of EmeraldFile:Block of Gold.png Block of GoldFile:Block of Iron.png Block of IronFile:Block of Quartz.png Block of Quartz (File:Chiseled Quartz Block.png ChiseledPillar Quartz Block Pillar)
Utility File:Anvil.png AnvilFile:Beacon.png BeaconBed BedBrewing Stand Brewing StandCake CakeCauldron CauldronChest Chest (File:Ender Chest.png Ender) • File:Crafting Table.png Crafting TableEnchantment Table Enchantment TableFile:Farmland.png FarmlandFile:Furnace.png FurnaceFile:Jukebox.png JukeboxSign SignFile:TNT.png TNTTorch TorchWither Skeleton Skull Wither Skeleton Skull
Mechanisms File:Button.png ButtonCommand Block Command BlockDispenser DispenserDaylight Sensor Daylight SensorFile:Doors.png DoorFile:Dropper.png DropperFence Gate Fence GateHopper HopperFile:Lever.png LeverFile:Note Block.png Note BlockFile:Piston.png PistonFile:Pressure Plate.png Pressure Plate (File:Weighted Pressure Plate.png Weighted)
Plants File:Cactus.png CactusFile:Carrots.png CarrotsFile:Cocoa.png CocoaFile:Dead Bush.png Dead BushFile:Flowers.png FlowersGrass Grass (File:Fern.png FernFile:Shrub.png Shrub) • File:Leaves.png LeavesFile:Lily Pad.png Lily PadMelon MelonFile:Mushrooms.png MushroomsPotato PotatoFile:Pumpkin.png PumpkinFile:Saplings.png SaplingSugar Canes Sugar CanesFile:Vines.png VinesWheat Wheat
Liquids File:Lava.png LavaWater Water
The Nether File:Glowstone.png GlowstoneNetherrack NetherrackFile:Nether Brick.png Nether Brick (File:Nether Brick Fence.png Fence) • Nether Wart Nether WartFile:Soul Sand.png Soul Sand
The End File:Dragon Egg.png Dragon EggFile:End Stone.png End Stone
Creative Only Sponge Sponge
Technical File:Active Redstone Repeater.png Active Redstone RepeaterFile:Piston Moving.png Piston MovingFile:Burning Furnace.png Burning FurnaceFile:End Portal.png End PortalFile:Flowing Lava.png Flowing LavaFile:Flowing Water.png Flowing WaterFile:Glowing Redstone Ore.png Glowing Redstone OreFile:Off-state Redstone Torch.png Off-state Redstone TorchFile:On-state Redstone Lamp.png On-state Redstone LampFile:Piston Arm.png Piston ArmFile:Nether Portal.png Nether Portal