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Cake is a food source block added by vanilla Minecraft. It appears to look like a vanilla sponge cake covered in white icing/frosting and topped with strawberries or cherries. The cake must be placed down before consuming (cannot be eaten while being held); the cake consists of six 'bites' each bite restoring 2 hunger.


Crafted with Barley Flour

Crafting GUI





Barley Flour




Crafted with Wheat Flour

Crafting GUI





Wheat Flour




Crafted with Wheat

Crafting GUI












Icon Title Description
Grid Cake
The Lie Wheat, sugar, milk and eggs!

Vanilla Items
Raw Materials Blaze Rod Blaze RodBone BoneClay (Item) ClayCoal Coal (Charcoal Charcoal) • Diamond DiamondEmerald EmeraldEnder Pearl Ender PearlFeather FeatherFlint FlintGhast Tear Ghast TearGlowstone Dust Glowstone DustGold Ingot Gold Ingot (Gold Nugget Nugget) • Gunpowder GunpowderIron Ingot Iron IngotLeather LeatherNether Quartz Nether QuartzNether Star Nether StarNether Wart Nether WartRedstone RedstoneSlimeball Slimeball (Magma Cream Magma Cream) • String String
Manufactured Blaze Powder Blaze PowderBook BookBowl BowlBrick Brick (Nether Brick (Item) Nether) • Eye of Ender Eye of Ender
Food Apple Apple (Golden Apple Golden) • Bread BreadCake CakeCarrot Carrot (Golden Carrot Golden) • Cookie CookieMelon (Item) MelonMilk MilkMushroom Stew Mushroom StewPotato Potato (Baked Potato BakedPoisonous Potato Poisonous) • Pumpkin Pie Pumpkin PieRaw Beef Raw Beef (Steak Steak) • Raw Chicken Raw Chicken (Cooked Chicken Cooked) • Raw Fish Raw Fish (Cooked Fish Cooked) • Raw Porkchop Raw Porkchop (Cooked Porkchop Cooked) • Rotten Flesh Rotten FleshSpider Eye Spider Eye
Plants Seeds Seeds (Pumpkin Seeds PumpkinMelon Seeds Melon) • Sugar Canes Sugar CanesWheat Wheat
Dyes Bone Meal Bone MealLight Gray Dye Light Gray DyeGray Dye Gray DyeInk Sac Ink SacPink Dye Pink DyeRose Red Rose RedOrange Dye Orange DyeDandelion Yellow Dandelion YellowLime Dye Lime DyeCactus Green Cactus GreenLight Blue Dye Light Blue DyeCyan Dye Cyan DyeLapis Lazuli Lapis LazuliPurple Dye Purple DyeMagenta Dye Magenta DyeCocoa Beans Cocoa Beans
Tools Axe AxeFishing Rod Fishing RodFlint and Steel Flint and SteelHoe HoePickaxe PickaxeShears ShearsShovel Shovel
Informative Clock ClockCompass CompassMap Map (Empty Map Empty Map) • Book and Quill Book and Quill (Written Book Written Book)
Weapons Bow Bow (Arrow (Vanilla) Arrow) • Egg EggFire Charge Fire ChargeSnowball SnowballSword Sword
Armor Boots BootsChestplate ChestplateHelmet HelmetLeggings Leggings
Vehicles Boat BoatMinecart Minecart (Minecart with Furnace with FurnaceMinecart with Chest with ChestMinecart with Hopper with HopperMinecart with TNT with TNT)
Utility Bed BedBottle o' Enchanting Bottle o' EnchantingBrewing Stand Brewing StandBucket Bucket (Water Bucket WaterLava Bucket Lava) • Carrot on a Stick Carrot on a StickCauldron CauldronDoor DoorEnchanted Book Enchanted BookRedstone Comparator Redstone ComparatorRedstone Repeater Redstone RepeaterSaddle SaddleSign Sign
Decoration Flower Pot Flower PotItem Frame Item FrameMusic Discs Music DiscsPainting PaintingWither Skeleton Skull Wither Skeleton Skull
Creative Only Spawn Egg Spawn Egg

Vanilla Blocks
Natural Air AirBedrock BedrockClay (Block) ClayCobblestone Cobblestone (File:Moss Stone.png Moss) •File:Cobweb.png CobwebDirt DirtFile:End Portal.png End PortalFire FireFile:Grass Block.png Grass Block (File:Mycelium.png Mycelium) • File:Gravel.png GravelIce IceFile:Monster Egg.png Monster EggFile:Monster Spawner.png Monster SpawnerFile:Sand.png SandFile:Sandstone.png Sandstone (File:Smooth Sandstone.png SmoothFile:Chiseled Sandstone.png Chiseled) • Obsidian ObsidianFile:Snow.png SnowStone StoneFile:Stone Bricks.png Stone Bricks (File:Cracked Stone Bricks.png CrackedFile:Mossy Stone Bricks.png MossyFile:Chiseled Stone Bricks.png Chiseled)
Manufactured File:Bookshelf.png BookshelfFile:Bricks.png BricksFile:Cobblestone Wall.png Cobblestone Wall (File:Mossy Cobblestone Wall.png Mossy) • File:Fence.png FenceFlower Pot Flower PotGlass Glass (Glass Pane Pane) • File:Iron Bars.png Iron BarsFile:Jack o'Lantern.png Jack o'LanternLadder LadderFile:Slabs.png SlabsFile:Snow.png SnowFile:Stairs.png StairsFile:Wood Planks.png Wood PlanksWool Wool
Ore File:Coal Ore.png Coal OreFile:Diamond Ore.png Diamond OreFile:Emerald Ore.png Emerald OreFile:Gold Ore.png Gold OreFile:Iron Ore.png Iron OreFile:Lapis Lazuli Ore.png Lapis Lazuli OreFile:Nether Quartz Ore.png Nether Quartz OreFile:Redstone Ore.png Redstone Ore
Mineral blocks File:Block of Diamond.png Block of DiamondFile:Block of Emerald.png Block of EmeraldFile:Block of Gold.png Block of GoldFile:Block of Iron.png Block of IronFile:Block of Quartz.png Block of Quartz (File:Chiseled Quartz Block.png ChiseledPillar Quartz Block Pillar)
Utility File:Anvil.png AnvilFile:Beacon.png BeaconBed BedBrewing Stand Brewing StandCake CakeCauldron CauldronChest Chest (File:Ender Chest.png Ender) • File:Crafting Table.png Crafting TableEnchantment Table Enchantment TableFile:Farmland.png FarmlandFile:Furnace.png FurnaceFile:Jukebox.png JukeboxSign SignFile:TNT.png TNTTorch TorchWither Skeleton Skull Wither Skeleton Skull
Mechanisms File:Button.png ButtonCommand Block Command BlockDispenser DispenserDaylight Sensor Daylight SensorFile:Doors.png DoorFile:Dropper.png DropperFence Gate Fence GateHopper HopperFile:Lever.png LeverFile:Note Block.png Note BlockFile:Piston.png PistonFile:Pressure Plate.png Pressure Plate (File:Weighted Pressure Plate.png Weighted)
Plants File:Cactus.png CactusFile:Carrots.png CarrotsFile:Cocoa.png CocoaFile:Dead Bush.png Dead BushFile:Flowers.png FlowersGrass Grass (File:Fern.png FernFile:Shrub.png Shrub) • File:Leaves.png LeavesFile:Lily Pad.png Lily PadMelon MelonFile:Mushrooms.png MushroomsPotato PotatoFile:Pumpkin.png PumpkinFile:Saplings.png SaplingSugar Canes Sugar CanesFile:Vines.png VinesWheat Wheat
Liquids File:Lava.png LavaWater Water
The Nether File:Glowstone.png GlowstoneNetherrack NetherrackFile:Nether Brick.png Nether Brick (File:Nether Brick Fence.png Fence) • Nether Wart Nether WartFile:Soul Sand.png Soul Sand
The End File:Dragon Egg.png Dragon EggFile:End Stone.png End Stone
Creative Only Sponge Sponge
Technical File:Active Redstone Repeater.png Active Redstone RepeaterFile:Piston Moving.png Piston MovingFile:Burning Furnace.png Burning FurnaceFile:End Portal.png End PortalFile:Flowing Lava.png Flowing LavaFile:Flowing Water.png Flowing WaterFile:Glowing Redstone Ore.png Glowing Redstone OreFile:Off-state Redstone Torch.png Off-state Redstone TorchFile:On-state Redstone Lamp.png On-state Redstone LampFile:Piston Arm.png Piston ArmFile:Nether Portal.png Nether Portal