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Visit the Minecraft Wiki for basic information about Creeper

Creeper is a mob added by vanilla Minecraft, and it come in many varieties in hexxit, but ultimately all have the same effect, devastating. The basic green creeper will walk in the direction of the player, and puff up and self destruct, destroying blocks and dealing damage depending on the radius of the blast, and how close the player is to the blast. Creepers can be avoided by using knockback weapons, shooting them or rushing them before they can explode.

If a creeper is struck by lightning it will become a charged creeper, with a much larger blast radius and explosive power. Supercharged creepers are very rare but can be identified by the blue static 'aura' that emanates off them. Don't let them get too close, if the blast does not kill you the fall damage will.

Infernal Creepers are even more deadly, if the player fails to prevent their self-destruct, it's explosion is more deadly, it also will inflict status damage, if they have any infernal power that do so. Moreover, it does not drop any loot if they self-destruct.

