- Visit the Minecraft Wiki for basic information about Diamond
The Diamond is an item added by Vanilla Minecraft which is obtained when Diamond Ore is mined with a pickaxe of at least iron quality.They can be mined or found in Dungeons.
Diamonds have many new uses in Hexxit, usually involving weaponry, tools, and magical items.They are used for crafting Hexical Diamonds,which are used for making high-end Hexxit Gear.
Diamonds are more common in Hexxit than vanilla Minecraft - they are often found at higher levels and even on the surfaces of mountains along with the other mineral and metal ores. However,unlike in Vanilla Minecraft,they are not the strongest tier of items,but still they can be used for making good equipment or various other items.
Note: Diamond ore already yields one Diamond when mined, making the use of a furnace not recommended as it wastes both fuel and Experience.
Diamonds are used in the crafting of the Starbeam Torch, Ice Magus Rod, Jeweled Apple, Diamond Scythe Diamond Big Sword, Diamond Giant Sword, Talisman, Diamond Shield, Diamond Sledge, Diamond Sickle, Reinforced Diamond Chest, Diamond Dagger, Diamond Spear, Hacksaw, HookShoot, Magic Boomerang, Magic Mirror, Crystal Bow, Hexical Diamond, Diamond Plated Scale Armor, and duplicating the Nether Star.
- Using the Uncrafting Table, a near infinite amount of Diamonds may be generated for nine levels each via a possible exploit with Nether Stars.
Icon | Title | Description |
DIAMONDS! | Acquire diamonds with your iron tools |