Hexxit Wiki

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The  Diamond is an item added by Vanilla Minecraft which is obtained when Diamond Ore is mined with a pickaxe of at least iron quality.They can be mined or found in Dungeons.

Diamonds have many new uses in Hexxit, usually involving weaponry, tools, and magical items.They are used for crafting Hexical Diamonds,which are used for making high-end Hexxit Gear.

Diamonds are more common in Hexxit than vanilla Minecraft - they are often found at higher levels and even on the surfaces of mountains along with the other mineral and metal ores. However,unlike in Vanilla Minecraft,they are not the strongest tier of items,but still they can be used for making good equipment or various other items.


Crafting GUI

Tome of Alkahest

Lapis Lazuli Block

Lapis Lazuli Block


Lapis Lazuli Block

Lapis Lazuli Block


Furnace GUI

Diamond Ore


Note: Diamond ore already yields one Diamond when mined, making the use of a furnace not recommended as it wastes both fuel and Experience.

Crafting GUI

Block of Diamond




Diamonds are used in the crafting of the Starbeam Torch, Ice Magus Rod, Jeweled Apple, Diamond Scythe Diamond Big Sword, Diamond Giant Sword, TalismanDiamond Shield, Diamond Sledge, Diamond Sickle, Reinforced Diamond Chest, Diamond Dagger, Diamond Spear, Hacksaw, HookShoot, Magic Boomerang, Magic Mirror, Crystal Bow, Hexical Diamond, Diamond Plated Scale Armor, and duplicating the Nether Star.


  • Using the Uncrafting Table, a near infinite amount of Diamonds may be generated for nine levels each via a possible exploit with Nether Stars.


Icon Title Description
Grid Diamond
DIAMONDS! Acquire diamonds with your iron tools

Vanilla Items
Raw Materials Blaze Rod Blaze RodBone BoneClay (Item) ClayCoal Coal (Charcoal Charcoal) • Diamond DiamondEmerald EmeraldEnder Pearl Ender PearlFeather FeatherFlint FlintGhast Tear Ghast TearGlowstone Dust Glowstone DustGold Ingot Gold Ingot (Gold Nugget Nugget) • Gunpowder GunpowderIron Ingot Iron IngotLeather LeatherNether Quartz Nether QuartzNether Star Nether StarNether Wart Nether WartRedstone RedstoneSlimeball Slimeball (Magma Cream Magma Cream) • String String
Manufactured Blaze Powder Blaze PowderBook BookBowl BowlBrick Brick (Nether Brick (Item) Nether) • Eye of Ender Eye of Ender
Food Apple Apple (Golden Apple Golden) • Bread BreadCake CakeCarrot Carrot (Golden Carrot Golden) • Cookie CookieMelon (Item) MelonMilk MilkMushroom Stew Mushroom StewPotato Potato (Baked Potato BakedPoisonous Potato Poisonous) • Pumpkin Pie Pumpkin PieRaw Beef Raw Beef (Steak Steak) • Raw Chicken Raw Chicken (Cooked Chicken Cooked) • Raw Fish Raw Fish (Cooked Fish Cooked) • Raw Porkchop Raw Porkchop (Cooked Porkchop Cooked) • Rotten Flesh Rotten FleshSpider Eye Spider Eye
Plants Seeds Seeds (Pumpkin Seeds PumpkinMelon Seeds Melon) • Sugar Canes Sugar CanesWheat Wheat
Dyes Bone Meal Bone MealLight Gray Dye Light Gray DyeGray Dye Gray DyeInk Sac Ink SacPink Dye Pink DyeRose Red Rose RedOrange Dye Orange DyeDandelion Yellow Dandelion YellowLime Dye Lime DyeCactus Green Cactus GreenLight Blue Dye Light Blue DyeCyan Dye Cyan DyeLapis Lazuli Lapis LazuliPurple Dye Purple DyeMagenta Dye Magenta DyeCocoa Beans Cocoa Beans
Tools Axe AxeFishing Rod Fishing RodFlint and Steel Flint and SteelHoe HoePickaxe PickaxeShears ShearsShovel Shovel
Informative Clock ClockCompass CompassMap Map (Empty Map Empty Map) • Book and Quill Book and Quill (Written Book Written Book)
Weapons Bow Bow (Arrow (Vanilla) Arrow) • Egg EggFire Charge Fire ChargeSnowball SnowballSword Sword
Armor Boots BootsChestplate ChestplateHelmet HelmetLeggings Leggings
Vehicles Boat BoatMinecart Minecart (Minecart with Furnace with FurnaceMinecart with Chest with ChestMinecart with Hopper with HopperMinecart with TNT with TNT)
Utility Bed BedBottle o' Enchanting Bottle o' EnchantingBrewing Stand Brewing StandBucket Bucket (Water Bucket WaterLava Bucket Lava) • Carrot on a Stick Carrot on a StickCauldron CauldronDoor DoorEnchanted Book Enchanted BookRedstone Comparator Redstone ComparatorRedstone Repeater Redstone RepeaterSaddle SaddleSign Sign
Decoration Flower Pot Flower PotItem Frame Item FrameMusic Discs Music DiscsPainting PaintingWither Skeleton Skull Wither Skeleton Skull
Creative Only Spawn Egg Spawn Egg