Fire Staff is an item added by Better Dungeons. Right clicking with the fire staff spews fire in front of you a short distance and sets all targeted mobs on fire. Holding down right click creates a flamethrower at no extra cost of durability. Left clicking a mob will deal melee damage and also set them aflame. The Fire Staff does no environmental damage. The Fire damage ignores armor effects, but does not affect certain Fire or Nether based enemies, or entities with a Fire Resistance buff. Enchanting staffs with enchantments other than Unbreaking will have no effect.
Aside from crafting, Fire Staffs can be gotten from high-end Dungeon chests or mobs.

Holding a Fire Staff

Fire Staff burning up some Mimics
- You can enchant any staff with maximum Unbreaking free of charge at an enchanting table, extending the life of a staff very much so.
- You can cause fire damage to mobs with this weapon who are even in water. They will periodically be injured even if there are no flames.