Hexxit Wiki
Hexxit Wiki
Circle-style-warning This article may not be 100% accurate due to an upcoming modpack version.
This item was removed in Hexxit 2.0.1c due to the removal of the Asgard Shield mod.

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The Gilded Iron Shield is one of the shields added by the Asgard Shield mod. It is an upgraded version of the Iron Shield.

Gilded Iron Shield-guard

Guarding with the Gilded Iron Shield.


Crafting GUI

Gold Ingot

Gold Ingot

Gold Ingot

Iron Shield

Gold Ingot

Gold Ingot

Gold Ingot

Gilded Iron Shield


  • Crafting this item will result in a stone shield instead of a gilded iron shield.

Asgard Shield Items
Shields File:Diamond Shield.png Diamond ShieldFile:Gilded Diamond Shield.png Gilded Diamond ShieldFile:Iron Shield.png Iron ShieldFile:Gilded Iron Shield.png Gilded Iron ShieldFile:Stone Shield.png Stone ShieldFile:Gilded Stone Shield.png Gilded Stone ShieldFile:Wooden Shield.png Wooden ShieldFile:Gilded Wooden Shield.png Gilded Wooden ShieldFile:Nether Quartz Shield.png Nether Quartz ShieldFile:Gilded Nether Quartz Shield.png Gilded Nether Quartz ShieldFile:Skull Shield.png Skull ShieldFile:Gilded Skull Shield.png Gilded Skull ShieldFile:Livingmetal Shield.png Livingmetal ShieldFile:Gilded Livingmetal Shield.png Gilded Livingmetal ShieldFile:Ender Shield.png Ender ShieldFile:Gilded Ender Shield.png Gilded Ender ShieldFile:Biomass Shield.png Biomass ShieldFile:Gilded Biomass Shield.png Gilded Biomass ShieldFile:Patchwork Shield.png Patchwork ShieldFile:Gilded Patchwork Shield.png Gilded Patchwork Shield
Giant Swords File:Diamond Giant Sword.png Diamond Giant SwordFile:Golden Giant Sword.png Golden Giant SwordFile:Iron Giant Sword.png Iron Giant SwordFile:Stone Giant Sword.png Stone Giant SwordWooden Giant Sword Wooden Giant SwordFile:Nether Quartz Giant Sword.png Nether Quartz Giant SwordFile:Livingmetal Giant Sword.png Livingmetal Giant SwordFile:Biomass Giant Sword.png Biomass Giant SwordFile:Ender Giant Sword.png Ender Giant SwordFile:Skull Giant Sword.png Skull Giant SwordFile:Patchwork Giant Sword.png Patchwork Giant Sword