Hunter's Handgun is a ranged weapon added by Xeno's Reliquary. It uses different kinds of bullets loaded into a magazine as ammo. Holding down right-click with an empty gun will load the Hunter's Handgun if there is a full magazine in the player's inventory. The color of the grip indicates what type of ammunition it is loaded with. This won't work if you don't have the gun loaded with a specific magazine in order to fire out a bullet.
If there are multiple types of magazines in the inventory, the Hunter's Handgun will load the one in the first hotbar slot. Note that when spawned in creative mode or via NEI's cheat mode, the durability bar will remain full at all times. It will display the amount of shots left in the magazine if crafted.
The Hunter's Handgun can be crafted with the three separate gun parts (which can be found in top-tier dungeon chests, turtle bosses lairs, or crafted), a slimeball, and five iron ingots.

The complete Hunter's Handgun

The player holding the Hunter's Handgun

Shooting an Enderman with the Hunter's Handgun, loaded with an Ender Magazine.
- Bullets for the Hunter's Handgun are Neutral shots, Concussive shots, Storm shots, Seeker shots, Ender shots, Buster shots, Sand shots, Blaze shots, Exorcism shots and their magazine forms. Not the Revolver bullets. But if you don't want to speed many of your resources (and still be a accurate) just make neutral shots since the difference between bullets is hardly worth making unless you know exactly what mob you will face.
- Durability only displays the amount of ammo you have left, meaning the gun won't break.
- Applying the Unbreaking enchantment on this weapon may increase the clip count to 9-10.