Ironwood Ingots are an item added by the Twilight Forest mod.
In the caves, you may encounter roots with strange green streaks running through them. Harvesting these with an axe will give you an item called Liveroot. Liveroot has potent magical properties. Combining it with an iron ingot and a gold nugget will give you an item that you can smelt in a furnace.
Once you have ironwood ingots, you can craft them into tools, weapons, and armor with useful enchantments on them.
When crafted, an Ironwood Sword will have Knockback I already enchanted on it.
When crafted, an Ironwood Pickaxe will have Efficiency I already enchanted on it.
When crafted, an Ironwood Shovel will have Unbreaking I already enchanted on it.
When crafted, an Ironwood Axe will have Fortune I already enchanted on it.
When crafted, an Ironwood Helmet will have Aqua Affinity I already enchanted on it.
When crafted, an Ironwood Chestplate will have Protection I already enchanted on it.
When crafted, Ironwood Leggings will have Protection I already enchanted on them.
When crafted, Ironwood Boots will have Feather Falling I already enchanted on them.