Magic Map is an item added by Twilight Forest that reveals an expansive view of the area around you.
It shows an area four times as large as a normal map will reveal all the biomes and features that lie in the nearby regions.
A Blank Magic Map is made by surrounding a Magic Map Focus with 8 sheets of Paper.
The focus is made by combining Torchberries, Glowstone Dust and a Raven's Feather in a shapeless recipe.
Icon Meaning and Use[]
Right-clicking with the blank map in hand will open the map, which will then begin to load the area surrounding the player. Various buildings and dungeons spawn on a grid in the Twilight Forest and show up as icons on the map.
Icons are as follows:
- White half-circles denote Hollow Hills. The size of the circle—small, medium or large—corresponds to the size of the hill.
- Green squares with dark flecks denote Hedge Mazes.
- Grey squares with dark flecks denote Labyrinths.
- White faces with golden crowns denote Lich Towers.
- Green faces with white frowns denote Naga Courtyards.
- Blue faces with pink eyes denote Hydra Lairs.
- White Ghast faces denote Dark Towers, which house the Ur-Ghast.
- White arches with a grey top denote the Questing Ram.