The Pirate Boss or Pirate Captain is a boss mob added in the Better Dungeons mod. The pirate boss has a black beard and red hair,and he wears a cape with a jolly roger on it, a pirate hat, and a red coat. He wields either a Ninja Dagger or Trickster Dagger to fight. There are two types of huge pirate ships and he will spawn in both.
Attacks / Abilities[]
The pirate boss has 500 hp (250 hearts) and deals (5) hearts of damage. After losing his shield he will use the ninja dagger or trickster dagger to turn invisible and multiply. If you hit a clone 1-5 times it will vanish or teleport. It is fairly easy to tell the difference between clones and the boss, because the real one wears a cape.
Location / Strategy[]
The Pirate Boss is located at the top room in a large pirate ship dungeon. The ship is full of dangerous pirate minions.
The Pirate Boss is arguably a fairly easy boss. If you have iron armor or better with a diamond sword or better you'll be able to take him down (if you're lucky) in the main chest room as if it were PvP. A bow will come in handy too.Be careful because Pirate Boss might teleport outside of the ship,making it hard to find him.
If you aren't well-equipped, make sure you kill all other pirates on the ship and have regeneration items ready (golden apple, regeneration potion, etc.) if you have them. Attack him on the balcony where he spawns until his shield breaks. After that, he should multiply or teleport. Lure him onto the main deck and kite, or train him without passing the center building. Make sure that neither of you fall down the trapdoors in the main hold. Just keep running in a circle, and if your health gets critical just use a regen item and sprint ahead of him.
On death, he drops a ninja dagger or trickster dagger, depending on which one the boss used, and on rare occasion a few diamonds.