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Spawn Naga is a Spawn Egg added by Twilight Forest. They are used to summon the Naga.

Twilight Forest Items
Raw Materials Borer Essence Borer EssenceCarminite CarminiteFiery Blood Fiery BloodLiveroot LiverootMaze Map Focus Maze Map FocusNaga Scale Naga ScaleRaven's Feather Raven's FeatherSteeleaf SteeleafTorchberries Torchberries
Manufactured Fiery Ingot Fiery IngotIronwood Ingot Ironwood IngotMagic Map Focus Magic Map FocusRaw Ironwood Materials Raw Ironwood Materials
Food Experiment 115 Experiment 115Hydra Chop Hydra ChopMaze Wafer Maze WaferMeef Steak Meef SteakMeef Stroganoff Meef StroganoffRaw Meef Raw MeefRaw Venison Raw VenisonVenison Steak Venison Steak
Tools Fiery Pick Fiery PickIronwood Axe Ironwood AxeIronwood Hoe Ironwood HoeIronwood Pick Ironwood PickIronwood Shovel Ironwood ShovelMazebreaker MazebreakerSteeleaf Axe Steeleaf AxeSteeleaf Hoe Steeleaf HoeSteeleaf Pick Steeleaf PickSteeleaf Shovel Steeleaf Shovel
Informative Blank Magic Map Blank Magic MapBlank MazeOre Map Blank Maze/Ore MapBlank Maze Map Blank Maze Map
Weapons Fiery Sword Fiery SwordIronwood Sword Ironwood SwordMinotaur Axe Minotaur AxeScepter of Life Draining Scepter of Life DrainingScepter of Twilight Scepter of TwilightSteeleaf Sword Steeleaf SwordZombie Scepter Zombie Scepter
Armor Fiery Boots Fiery BootsFiery Helm Fiery HelmFiery Legs Fiery LegsFiery Plate Fiery PlateIronwood Boots Ironwood BootsIronwood Helm Ironwood HelmIronwood Legs Ironwood LegsIronwood Plate Ironwood PlateNaga Scale Leggings Naga Scale LeggingsNaga Scale Tunic Naga Scale TunicSteeleaf Boots Steeleaf BootsSteeleaf Helm Steeleaf HelmSteeleaf Legs Steeleaf LegsSteeleaf Plate Steeleaf Plate
Utility Magic Map Magic MapBlank MazeOre Map Blank Maze/Ore MapBlank Maze Map Blank Maze MapCharm of Keeping I Charm of Keeping ICharm of Keeping II Charm of Keeping IICharm of Keeping III Charm of Keeping IIICharm of Life I Charm of Life ICharm of Life II Charm of Life IICrumble Horn Crumble HornMoonworm Queen Moonworm QueenOre Magnet Ore MagnetPeacock Feather Fan Peacock Feather FanTower Key Tower KeyTransformation Powder Transformation Powder
Decoration Hydra Trophy Hydra TrophyLich Trophy Lich TrophyNaga Trophy Naga TrophyUr-ghast Trophy Ur-ghast Trophy
Creative Only Armor Shards Armor ShardsKnightmetal KnightmetalOre Meter Ore MeterFile:Spawn Bighorn Sheep.png Spawn Bighorn SheepFile:Spawn Block and Chain Goblin.png Spawn Block and Chain GoblinFile:Spawn Carminite Broodling.png Spawn Carminite BroodlingFile:Spawn Carminite Ghastguard.png Spawn Carminite GhastguardFile:Spawn Carminite Ghastling.png Spawn Carminite GhastlingFile:Spawn Carminite Golem.png Spawn Carminite GolemFile:Spawn Death Tome.png Spawn Death TomeFile:Spawn Fire Beetle.png Spawn Fire BeetleFile:Spawn Firefly.png Spawn FireflyFile:Spawn Forest Bunny.png Spawn Forest BunnyFile:Spawn Forest Raven.png Spawn Forest RavenFile:Spawn Forest Squirrel.png Spawn Forest SquirrelFile:Spawn Hedge Spider.png Spawn Hedge SpiderFile:Spawn Helmet Crab.png Spawn Helmet CrabFile:Spawn Hostile Wolf.png Spawn Hostile WolfFile:Spawn Hydra.png Spawn HydraFile:Spawn King Spider.png Spawn King SpiderFile:Spawn Kobold.png Spawn KoboldFile:Spawn Lower Goblin Knight.png Spawn Lower Goblin KnightFile:Spawn Maze Slime.png Spawn Maze SlimeFile:Spawn Minoshroom.png Spawn MinoshroomFile:Spawn Minotaur.png Spawn MinotaurFile:Spawn Mist Wolf.png Spawn Mist WolfFile:Spawn Mosquito Swarm.png Spawn Mosquito SwarmFile:Spawn Naga.png Spawn NagaFile:Spawn Penguin.png Spawn PenguinFile:Spawn Pinch Beetle.png Spawn Pinch BeetleFile:Spawn Redcap.png Spawn RedcapFile:Spawn Redcap Sapper.png Spawn Redcap SapperFile:Spawn Skeleton Druid.png Spawn Skeleton DruidFile:Spawn Slime Beetle.png Spawn Slime BeetleFile:Spawn Swarm Spider.png Spawn Swarm SpiderFile:Spawn Tiny Bird.png Spawn Tiny BirdFile:Spawn Towerwood Borer.png Spawn Towerwood BorerFile:Spawn Twilight Lich.png Spawn Twilight LichFile:Spawn Twilight Wraith.png Spawn Twilight WraithFile:Spawn Ur-ghast.png Spawn Ur-ghastFile:Spawn Wild Boar.png Spawn Wild BoarSpawn Wild Deer Spawn Wild Deer