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Swords are basic melee items found in Minecraft, with Hexxit adding more types and variations.  There are two types of swords, enchantable swords (including Vanila minecraft and the majority of modpack added swords) and tinkers swords. Non-tinkers tools can be enchanted as usual, using experience and an enchanting table. Tinkers Construct swords can be enchanted, but it seems to be a bug/glitch. Tinkers weapons are upgraded by using appropriate modifiers and materials for it's attack damage, in contrast to regular swords being affected by its level of Sharpness.

The highest base damage without Enchanting or cheating are the Diamond Giant Sword and Ender Giant Sword(Verification Needed). This does not include tinkers construct swords.

Holding right click will result in most swords blocking, taking half damage. Some swords have special abilities with their right click, and may not reduce damage as expected. If a shield is in the hotbar, you will switch to the shield while attempting to block with the sword, and once released you will return to the sword after a few moments.


Swords can gather string from Cobwebs faster than any tool (except shears), but they take double durability damage from breaking blocks.

The sword can destroy all other blocks one and a half faster than using something not intended for the block.

Sword Damage List and Effects[]

Image Material Damage Durability Additional Effects/Notes
Grid Slime Sword Slime 11 Applies Nausea I on target for 0.5 seconds
Grid Ghostwood Sword Ghostwood 4 59 Applies jump boost 99 for 100 seconds
Grid Wooden Sword Wood 4 59
Grid Golden Sword Gold 4 32 Has a lower enchanting cost compared to other sword types.
Grid Nether Quartz Sword Quartz 5 131
Grid Darkwood Sword Darkwood 131
Grid Stone Sword Stone 5 131 Wielded and sometimes dropped by Wither Skeletons
Grid Fusewood Sword Fusewood 6 250
Grid Livingmetal Sword Livingmetal 6 250 Repairs itself for 2 durability when a soul is collected
Grid Ironwood Sword Ironwood 6 512 Has a natural Knockback I enchantment
Grid Biomass Sword Biomass 6 150 Repairs itself for some durability when blood is collected. 2 for red blood, 4 for green blood, 6 for purple blood
Grid Frezarite Sword Frezarite 6 225 Applies Slowness II on target for 1 second
Grid Iron Sword Iron 6 250
Grid Bloodwood Sword Bloodwood 7 350
Grid Steeleaf Sword Steeleaf 7 131 Has a natural Looting II enchantment
Grid Diamond Sword Diamond 7
Grid Fiery Sword Fiery 8 1024

Has a natural Fire Aspect I enchantment, setting mobs on fire for 3 damage

Grid Meteorite Sword Meteorite 8 900 Has a natural Magnetization I enchantment, pulling in nearby items
Grid Kreknorite Sword Kreknorite 8 900 Has a natural Fire Aspect I enchantment, setting mobs on fire for 3 damage(Verification Needed)

Bigsword Damage List[]

Image Material Damage Durability Additional effects
Grid Iron Bigsword 6 250 Sword does 1-9 splash damage when using the charge-up attack (holding right mouse button).  This does more damage the longer the mouse button is held down.  This ability uses 2 durability per mob hit with the splash damage.
Grid Diamond Bigsword
Diamond Bigsword 7 1561 Sword does 1-15 splash damage when using the charge-up attack (holding right mouse button).  This does more damage the longer the mouse button is held down.  This ability uses 2 durability per mob hit with the splash damage.
Grid Monking Bigsword Monking Sword


2048 6 splash damage when using the charge-up attack (holding right mouse button).  This does not need to be charged and will not do more damage if the mouse button is held down longer.  This ability uses 1-2 durability per mob hit with the splash damage.


Standard Swords[]

Crafting GUI




Diamond Sword

Standard Minecraft recipes all follow this standard set-up replacing the diamond with the appropriate material. The quartz sword can use any type of quartz block in place of the diamond.

  • Note: All Meteorite Tools require iron ingots instead of sticks.
Crafting GUI

Meteor Chip

Meteor Chip

Iron Ingot

Meteorite Sword

Giant Swords[]

For the full article, see Giant Swords.

Giant Swords are a variation of the regular swords that will increase the amount of damage done by the normal variant. When guarding with a Giant Sword, damage caused directly by mobs will not be taken (i.e. arrows, creeper explosions, but fire and fall damage are not blocked).

Tinker's Construct[]

Note: This section is incomplete.

There are various types of swords that can be created by Tinkers' Construct.  It is a completely different type of crafting system than Minecraft's built-in system with crafting tables.  There are Broadswords, Longswords, Rapiers, Daggers, Cutlasses, and Cleavers. Tinker's tools are upgraded with modifiers, not by enchantments. To read more about Tinker's Construct, click here

Vanilla Items
Raw Materials Blaze Rod Blaze RodBone BoneClay (Item) ClayCoal Coal (Charcoal Charcoal) • Diamond DiamondEmerald EmeraldEnder Pearl Ender PearlFeather FeatherFlint FlintGhast Tear Ghast TearGlowstone Dust Glowstone DustGold Ingot Gold Ingot (Gold Nugget Nugget) • Gunpowder GunpowderIron Ingot Iron IngotLeather LeatherNether Quartz Nether QuartzNether Star Nether StarNether Wart Nether WartRedstone RedstoneSlimeball Slimeball (Magma Cream Magma Cream) • String String
Manufactured Blaze Powder Blaze PowderBook BookBowl BowlBrick Brick (Nether Brick (Item) Nether) • Eye of Ender Eye of Ender
Food Apple Apple (Golden Apple Golden) • Bread BreadCake CakeCarrot Carrot (Golden Carrot Golden) • Cookie CookieMelon (Item) MelonMilk MilkMushroom Stew Mushroom StewPotato Potato (Baked Potato BakedPoisonous Potato Poisonous) • Pumpkin Pie Pumpkin PieRaw Beef Raw Beef (Steak Steak) • Raw Chicken Raw Chicken (Cooked Chicken Cooked) • Raw Fish Raw Fish (Cooked Fish Cooked) • Raw Porkchop Raw Porkchop (Cooked Porkchop Cooked) • Rotten Flesh Rotten FleshSpider Eye Spider Eye
Plants Seeds Seeds (Pumpkin Seeds PumpkinMelon Seeds Melon) • Sugar Canes Sugar CanesWheat Wheat
Dyes Bone Meal Bone MealLight Gray Dye Light Gray DyeGray Dye Gray DyeInk Sac Ink SacPink Dye Pink DyeRose Red Rose RedOrange Dye Orange DyeDandelion Yellow Dandelion YellowLime Dye Lime DyeCactus Green Cactus GreenLight Blue Dye Light Blue DyeCyan Dye Cyan DyeLapis Lazuli Lapis LazuliPurple Dye Purple DyeMagenta Dye Magenta DyeCocoa Beans Cocoa Beans
Tools Axe AxeFishing Rod Fishing RodFlint and Steel Flint and SteelHoe HoePickaxe PickaxeShears ShearsShovel Shovel
Informative Clock ClockCompass CompassMap Map (Empty Map Empty Map) • Book and Quill Book and Quill (Written Book Written Book)
Weapons Bow Bow (Arrow (Vanilla) Arrow) • Egg EggFire Charge Fire ChargeSnowball SnowballSword Sword
Armor Boots BootsChestplate ChestplateHelmet HelmetLeggings Leggings
Vehicles Boat BoatMinecart Minecart (Minecart with Furnace with FurnaceMinecart with Chest with ChestMinecart with Hopper with HopperMinecart with TNT with TNT)
Utility Bed BedBottle o' Enchanting Bottle o' EnchantingBrewing Stand Brewing StandBucket Bucket (Water Bucket WaterLava Bucket Lava) • Carrot on a Stick Carrot on a StickCauldron CauldronDoor DoorEnchanted Book Enchanted BookRedstone Comparator Redstone ComparatorRedstone Repeater Redstone RepeaterSaddle SaddleSign Sign
Decoration Flower Pot Flower PotItem Frame Item FrameMusic Discs Music DiscsPainting PaintingWither Skeleton Skull Wither Skeleton Skull
Creative Only Spawn Egg Spawn Egg

Asgard Shield Items
Shields File:Diamond Shield.png Diamond ShieldFile:Gilded Diamond Shield.png Gilded Diamond ShieldFile:Iron Shield.png Iron ShieldFile:Gilded Iron Shield.png Gilded Iron ShieldFile:Stone Shield.png Stone ShieldFile:Gilded Stone Shield.png Gilded Stone ShieldFile:Wooden Shield.png Wooden ShieldFile:Gilded Wooden Shield.png Gilded Wooden ShieldFile:Nether Quartz Shield.png Nether Quartz ShieldFile:Gilded Nether Quartz Shield.png Gilded Nether Quartz ShieldFile:Skull Shield.png Skull ShieldFile:Gilded Skull Shield.png Gilded Skull ShieldFile:Livingmetal Shield.png Livingmetal ShieldFile:Gilded Livingmetal Shield.png Gilded Livingmetal ShieldFile:Ender Shield.png Ender ShieldFile:Gilded Ender Shield.png Gilded Ender ShieldFile:Biomass Shield.png Biomass ShieldFile:Gilded Biomass Shield.png Gilded Biomass ShieldFile:Patchwork Shield.png Patchwork ShieldFile:Gilded Patchwork Shield.png Gilded Patchwork Shield
Giant Swords File:Diamond Giant Sword.png Diamond Giant SwordFile:Golden Giant Sword.png Golden Giant SwordFile:Iron Giant Sword.png Iron Giant SwordFile:Stone Giant Sword.png Stone Giant SwordWooden Giant Sword Wooden Giant SwordFile:Nether Quartz Giant Sword.png Nether Quartz Giant SwordFile:Livingmetal Giant Sword.png Livingmetal Giant SwordFile:Biomass Giant Sword.png Biomass Giant SwordFile:Ender Giant Sword.png Ender Giant SwordFile:Skull Giant Sword.png Skull Giant SwordFile:Patchwork Giant Sword.png Patchwork Giant Sword